pymol scripts

Color atoms according to the chemical shift differences between e.g. free and bound state ( (PY, 11 KB)).

The script reads the chemical shifts for the apo and bound state of the protein from the corresponding prot files. To estimate the threshold for a shift perturbations, e.g. the lower limit for a chemical shift difference to be considered, the standard deviation over all shift differences is calculated. A shift difference above low_limit * standard_dev is considered a significan chemical shift difference. The parameter low_limit can be defined in the function call.


In pymol type:
csp pdbfile.pdb, shifts_apo.prot, shifts_complex.prog, nr_colors, offset, low_limit

nr_colors ... number of different colors (white ... red) to show the magnitude of the chemical shift perturbations
low_limit ... a shift difference above low_limit * standard_dev is considered significant and the corresponding atom is colored accordingly
offset ... color offset for coloring the smallest shift difference (between 0 and 1)


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